
Email Response Delayed or Denied? Get Your Tribute & Email Noticed Today with These 5 Tips!

Alright fart sucker, you’ve been lurking around…maybe it’s here on My website or maybe on My twitter. Maybe you came across one of My pages on clipsites while you were searching for that perfect clip.. maybe you’ve even been holding onto My email, waiting….

Wherever you’ve been 👀 peeping 👀 from… nurturing and encouraging your urge and desire to worship Me has consumed your menial and malleable mind.

You finally gathered up the courage, saved up your money and are ready to approach Me. 


Is that all it takes to approach Me? 

Courage and money? 

Just like Bishop Bullwinkle,”hell naw, hell to da naw, naw,naw, naw”..

Lucky for you, I compiled a short and sweet list on just how to properly approach Me….or any Domme for that matter. 

So pucker up fart suckers and find the clarity and guidance you seek so that you can make a proper impression and learn how to serve and worship Me from near or far with these five tips. They’re so simple, even the most mindless goon can obey!

Tributes: Money Talks, so Speak Up!

Have you been one of the losers who @ Me on twitter, hoping for a response OR WORSE…

one of those losers who pulls My email from My pinned tweet WITHOUT actually sending? 

Does that ever work for you? 

Begging for permission to ask a question, emailing anyway like you have some kind of privilege, right when the requirements are laid out right in front of your little butt-sniffing nose…how does that work out for you?

Not very well. 


That tribute to email Me is not a suggestion or request. 


If you want a response, then you send your tribute first BEFORE even THINKING about sending that email. 

With that being said, just because you’ve sent tribute, you’re not guaranteed a response. 

Sending tribute means that I’ll AT LEAST read your email.

Think of it like when you go to apply for an apartment in America, just because you’ve paid the application fee does not mean you’re automatically accepted.

Depending on what you’ve sent, depends on if I respond to you. 

“But Goddess, I sent a tribute, why didn’t you respond?”

Sending tribute means that I’ll AT LEAST read your email, so you’d better make your email count.

When emailing Me, think about the purpose of your email.

  • What do you have to offer Me?
  • How much value are you going to bring to Me?
  • Why should you even be considered?

After you’ve answered that, then you must ask yourself..

  • Am I pitching myself to serve Her or am I just thinking with my teeny weenie? 
  • Did I not find the info I was looking for on any of Her sites?
  • Am I ready to put Her best interests, needs and wants before my own?


It’s always a good idea to proofread anything before sending it anywhere, but you should especially proofread any and every email you send Me to make sure that you’ve answered those questions.

Remember: I could care less about your fantasy and how much you dream of serving under Me. 

I care about what kind of value you’re bringing to My table. What type of skill set do you have to offer Me?

You want to make My life better? Tell Me how you’d do that and then go do that.

Everything that pertains to Me and My well-being > your wimpy orgasm.

Emails that STILL end up in My trash, even after sending tribute.

Oh no, you’ve sent tribute and were still denied! It must be a complete RIPOFF!!!!

Right, it’s definitely not something YOU did….

When I receive emails where it is blatantly obvious that your email was something better meant for niteflirt or iwantclips and you’re just releasing yourself while you send your money to Me, while emailing Me, those get laughed at and then deleted.

That type is always obvious too. 

They just want to talk about their fantasy, pump and dump (into their mouths preferably) and be on their way. 

Do not email Me a novel about how much you love sucking strange men off with no actual game plan in mind. 

My emails are meant for serious inquiries. Plain and simple. You come to Me when you need to execute that game plan…not “Just thinking about it” or “I wish”.

When you clog up My emails with your self-absorbed fanfic, you basically end up just like the boy who cried wolf.

You’re taking time away from more valuable things and failing to establish a real purpose (that’s beneficial to Me) for emailing Me. 

So the next time you email Me, actually ready to serve Me instead of yourself, your email is most likely to automatically end up in My spam folder or trash bin…and it won’t matter how much you send. 

Just like the boy who cried wolf, you’ll be IGNORED.

Don’t be like the boy who cried wolf….

(Unless if you want to be ignored, of course)

Improper Tribute - Do those really exist?

I question the reading ability of the ones who send improper amounts. Minimum and maximum are two completely different words. 

Let’s go ahead and define them so that there is no misunderstanding about the two terms. I’ll even include some synonyms so that pea size brain of yours has other words to tie together with. 


Minimum: Least, lowest. 

Some synonyms: Littlest, smallest (like your weenie), least possible.


Maximum: Highes, utmost.

Some synonyms for maximum: Top, biggest, greatest, mostest. 


I don’t care if all you have is $10, it’s in everyone’s best interest for you to save up the additional $15 and then try emailing Me. 

But by all means, go right ahead and send Me that $10 and then the remaining $15 and then you can follow up with the actual $25. 

In the VERY near future, My pinned tweet will be changing. 

That change means the current option on how to email Me will vanish and anyone wishing to apply to serve Me will have to complete My form listed on My contact page.

It's not about the money

I love money. I love taking money from easily-influenced men. No questions asked. 

But you know why your money is absolutely no good sometimes?

It’s because it’s not about the money and you seem to think it is.

It’s about your willingness and ability to follow the directions and rules I have in place. 

If you refuse to follow that simple, most basic command, then I have little to no faith in your capability to follow any of My other rules or develop the commitment needed to properly serve Me.

Once you’ve established that you can not or will not follow My requirements, then trust will never be gained and what do you think happens without trust?

My safety feels compromised and I have zero tolerance for that.

Your failure to follow directions means I have to ask Myself..


“Is that in My best interest? Does that add any type of value to My life”? 


If you still feel like ignoring the instructions that are laid out in front of you is perfectly acceptable, then you are automatically unfit to serve Me and will have to continue to look from afar, sending silently while you continue to buy My clips and subscribe to My fansites. 

Now that you’re aware of these five simple tips to keep in mind whenever you’re trying to approach Me or any Domme, how do you measure up? 

Do you send recklessly👎 when you need to be $pending👍 recklessly?

Or are you the ideal candidate who quietly digs deep in their wallets while attaching a well thought out  email about what you can do for Me and how you would love to accomplish it if I let you?